Help Us Provide the Best Service
We want your feedback! Lake Region Electric exists to provide you with reliable electricity, but we are more than just an electric company; we are a cooperative. We are owned and governed by the members who we serve, and we want happy members! To ensure that we are meeting the needs of our members and to successfully plan for the future, Lake Region Electric Association is conducting a member satisfaction survey. In the past, we have teamed up with our transmission provider, East River Electric, to gauge member satisfaction throughout East River territory and we will continue to participate in their bi-annual survey. For the first time, Lake Region has decided to do a survey of our own members. Through our partnership with Touchstone Energy, we are using the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®) to conduct the survey and benchmark our results. The ACSI is the only national cross-industry measure of customer satisfaction in the United States.
This is a voluntary survey initiated by our members; we will not be sending out emails or phone calls. This survey consists of only a few questions and takes less than a minute to complete. Members who wish to participate can scan the QR code found in this issue of Cooperative Connections or go to our website: www.lakeregion.coop and click on the survey. There is also a link to the survey on our Facebook page. Call Laura at Lake Region if you have any questions: 605-345-3379.